Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Second Show

Our Bachelorette group doubled in attendance this week and if you count the texts from our friend, who was in San Diego,  and my brother in law's text which simply read, "NOOOOO  StevIE"   it has already tripled in size.  After some snacks and Crystal Light we all cuddled up on the couch to follow Emily on her journey to find "the one."

 The first one on one date Emily chose the personal trainer with tan skin, biceps the size of cantalope,  (I'd like to squeeze those), and perfectly straight, bleached teeth.  His hair was carefully fuzzed up and held strategically in place with gel to cover up places where it is starting to thin out, but this imperfection is endearing because it makes him seem attainable.

Emily and him made cookies at her house for her daughter's soccer game.  The conversation of course was boring, but they made a ridiculously gorgeous couple.  After they dropped the cookies off it was time for the real date to begin. It must have been uneventful because I can't even remember any of the details, but I think that Emily had a fabulous dress on.  She gave him the rose, but their conversation was overshadowed by the fact that we were all so intrigued by how she got the rose to stay on his shirt without using a pin.  Is it magnetic?

After she dropped her personal trainer off at the mansion, Emily went home to get a good night sleep in  preparation for the first group date. The next day she along with a slew of men performed a play with the Muppets, this part of the show dragged on forever.  As one of the contestants put it ".. at least Kermit is funny."  because the men were all equally boring and lame.

This is when one of my girlfriends made the statement we were all thinking, " I think reality TV has run out of quality men. "  We couldn't help but agree.  Each season the men seem to get a little less attractive, a little less educated, and a little less charming. There were several interesting job titles like mushroom farmer, log trader, and luxury consultant.  Along with aspiring singer/songwriter, entrepreneur, and other creative labels for unemployed.  I am surprised that there is not a bigger pool of men to choose from.  Emily gave the rose to the the skateboarder from Utah.  Who we are cheering for just because he is from Utah.

The last date was a one on one with Joe.  She brought him to a hotel she visited as a child.  At dinner she asked him serious questions about his/their future.  He failed to include key words such as babies, family,  marriage.   The date ended with her walking him to the car without  rose.  See you Joe!

A few more men  were booted off last night the only one who was slightly interesting was the biology teacher.  Can't wait for next week.

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